Karla Juliana Rodríguez-Robayo, Alma L. Trujillo-Miranda, María Elena Méndez-López, Luciana Porter-Bolland, Claudia María Monzón-Alvarado, Irina Llamas-Torres, Ivet Reyes-Maturano, Jibram León-Gónzalez, Lilian Juárez-Téllez, María del Rocío Ruenes-Morales, Mariana Rivera-De Velasco, Nicolás Chan-Chuc. 2022. Socioecological conflicts in Mexico: Trends and gaps in the regional analysis. Environmental Science & Policy. Volume (127) 12-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2021.10.008.
Rodríguez, K., Méndez-López, M. E. y Juárez, L. 2021. Visible and hidden economic values of the Maya milpa system in Yucatan, Mexico. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 20 (9)
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Méndez-López, M.E., E. García-Frapolli, I. Ruiz-Mallén, L. Porter-Bolland, C. Sánchez- González y V. Reyes-García. 2018. Who participates in conservation initiatives? Case studies in six rural communities in Mexico. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Méndez-López, M.E., E. García-Frapolli, I. Ruiz-Mallén, L. Porter-Bolland, V. Reyes-García. 2015. From Paper to Forest: Local Motives for Participation in Different Conservation Initiatives. Case Studies in Southeastern Mexico. Environmental Management. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-015-0522-0
Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares, María Elena Méndez-López, Isabel Díaz-Reviriego, Marissa McBride, Aili Pyhälä, Antoni Rosell-Melé, Victoria Reyes-García. 2015. Links between media communication and local perceptions of climate change in an indigenous society. Climatic Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1381-7
Méndez-López, M.E., E. García-Frapolli, D. J Pritchard, C. Sánchez-González, I. Ruiz-Mallén, L. Porter-Bolland, V. Reyes-García. 2014. Local participation and biodiversity conservation: A comparative analysis of different models in South East Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management 145: 321-329
Méndez-López, M. E. et al. 2022. “To Take Care of the Land Means Taking Care of Ourselves”: Local Perceptions on Human and Environmental Health in a High Agrobiodiversity Landscape in the Yucatan Peninsula. En: Maiko Nishi, Suneetha M. Subramanian, Himangana Gupta (Eds.). Biodiversity-Health-Sustainability Nexus in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS). Springer.
Méndez López, M.E., Rodríguez, K. y Juárez L. 2022. La experiencia participativa en la elaboración de la estrategia 2020-2030 para el Paisaje Forestal Milpero en la península de Yucatán. En: Perspectivas del desarrollo territorial inclusivo en el Sur-sureste: desafíos y propuestas transdisciplinarias. CentroGeo e Incide Social A.C.